Baudman's "Question and Answer" Collection
Fossil Drivers and RPI
The Different Rockwell Modem Chipsets
Which modem uses RPI
Default string is the best
Best Data got WinRPI
What is VoiceView ?
Does AT&T modem support V.FC ?
Does Bauman have a anonymous FTP site ?
Can a modem and a TTY connect and talk ?
Will there be a COM driver for OS/2 using RPI?
Good Voicemail/Fax software that will work with the Zoom 14.4VFP ?
DOS TSR for V.42bis/MNP5 ?
Writing software for PhoneBlaster
EQM explanation
Rockwell microcontroller ROM code ...
Modem manufacturer might not have updated their modem design
The speed of a V.34 modem
Connecting to a USRobotic modem...
Setting S-registers value
Copyright Rockwell International Corporation